数学与统计学院近五年科研论文汇总 |
学术论文类(不超过40项,国内期刊不少于1/3) |
序号 |
完成人 |
论文题目 |
刊物名称 |
年,卷(期):页 |
1 |
郭育红 |
Some identities for compositions into parts of size at most 3 |
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
2021,DIO:10.1007/s13226-021-00149-x |
2 |
王学忠 |
Predefined-time convergent neural networks for solving the time-varying nonsingular multi-linear tensor equations |
Neurocomputing |
2021,472:68-84 |
3 |
王学忠 |
Accelerated dynamical approaches for finding the unique positive solution of KS -tensor equations |
Numerical Algorithm |
2021,88(4):1787-1810 |
4 |
普昭年 |
Finite-time Convergent Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Computing Square Root of Complex Matrices |
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics |
2020,50(3):512-518 |
5 |
朱睦正 |
On TDS-PCG Iteration Method with Circulant Preconditioners for Solving the Space Fractional Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations |
Engineering Letters, |
2021, 29(3):EL_29_3_32 |
6 |
闫作茂 |
Time optimal control of a Clarke subdifferential type stochastic evolution inclusion in Hilbert spaces |
Applied Mathematics and Optimization |
2021, 84(3): 3083-3110. |
7 |
闫作茂 |
Optimization of exact controllability for fractional impulsive partial stochastic differential systems via analytic sectorial operators |
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation |
2021, 22(5): 559-579. |
8 |
刘群 |
Results on resistance distance and Kirchhoff index of graphs with generalized pockets |
Frontiers in physics |
2022年6月,10卷:1-6 |
9 |
郭金生 |
Threshold dynamics of a time-periodic two-strain SIRS epidemic model with distributed delay |
AIMS Mathematics |
7(4)6331–6355 |
10 |
郭金生 |
浅析数学分析课堂教学与思政元素的融合 |
河西学院学报 |
Vol. 38 No. 2(2022):116-119 |
11 |
卢芳霞 |
Exponential stabley behavior of a class of impulsive partial stochastic differential equations driven by Lévy noise |
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics |
2021,25(6):1261-1303 |
12 |
卢芳霞 |
The Lp dual Minkowski problem about t 0< p< 1 and q >0 |
Open Mathematics |
2021; 19: 1648–1663 |
13 |
周永辉 |
Global stability of traveling wave fronts for a population dynamics model with quiescent stage and delay |
International Journal of Biomathematics |
2022,15(5): 2250020 (14 pages) |
14 |
王学忠 |
Preconditioned tensor splitting AOR iterative methods for -tensor equations |
Numer Linear Algebra Appl. |
2020,27:e2329. |
15 |
魏瑛源 |
基于修理设备可更换和修理延迟策略的两不同型部件冷贮备可修系统 |
工程数学学报(国内) |
2020,37(4):423-441 |
16 |
魏瑛源 |
Recursive Solution of Queue Length Distribution for Geo/G/1 Queue with Delayed Min(N, D)-Policy |
Journal of Systems Science and Information 系统科学与信息学报(英文版)(国内) |
2020,8(4):367-386 |
17 |
郭金生 |
Differences Inequalities of General Lp-Mixed Brightness Integrals |
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics(国内) |
2020,50(3): 661-665 |
18 |
刘群 |
Resistance Distance and Kirchhoff Index of the Diamond Hierarchical Graph and the Generalized Corona Graph |
IAENG International of Applied Mathematics(国内) |
2020,50(4)8-13 |
19 |
朱睦正 |
矩阵初等变换在高等代数中的应用及教学研究 |
河西学院学报(国内) |
202004 |
20 |
闫作茂 |
Optimal controls for impulsive partial stochastic differential equations with weighted pseudo almost periodic coefficients |
International Journal of Control |
2021,94(1):111-133 |
21 |
闫作茂 |
Time optimal control of system governed by a fractional stochastic partial differential inclusion with Clarke subdifferential |
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics(国内) |
2021,25(1):155-181 |
22 |
闫作茂 |
Stepanov-like pseudo almost periodicity in distribution and optimal control to impulsive partial stochastic differential equations |
Stochastics |
2021,93(3):337-375 |
23 |
闫作茂 |
Globally exponential stability of a partial stochastic differential equation with pseudo almost periodic coefficients and infinite delay |
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
2021,52(1):241-264 |
24 |
张学福 |
伽玛函数在高等数学教学中的应用 |
河西学院学报(国内) |
2021,37(2) :14-19 |
25 |
周永辉 |
一类具有时滞的非局部反应扩散方程非单调临界行波解的全局稳定性 |
数学物理学报(中文版) (国内) |
2020,40(4):983-992 |
26 |
周永辉 |
非局部时滞反应扩散方程行波解的指数稳定性 |
数学的实践与认识(中文版)(国内) |
2020,50(15):238-245 |
27 |
李登辉 |
Hausdorff dimension of chaotic attractors in a class of nonsmooth systems |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
2021, 151: 111218. |
28 |
李登辉 |
Strange nonchaotic attractors from a family of quasiperiodically forced piecewise linear maps. |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos |
2021, 31: 2150111 |
29 |
马统一 |
(p,q)-JohnEllipsoids |
TheJournal of Geometric Analysis |
2021,31:9597–9632 |
30 |
冯宜彬 |
The Orlicz Aleksandrov Problem for Orlicz Integral Curvature |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
2021,2021:5492–5519 |
31 |
冯宜彬 |
On the Discrete Orlicz Electrostatic q-CapacitaryMinkowski Problem |
Journal of Function Spaces |
2020,2020:1-10 |
32 |
冯宜彬 |
General (p,q)-mixed projection bodies |
Open Mathematics |
2020,18:970-982 |
33 |
王学忠 |
Existence and uniqueness of positive solution for H+-tensor equations |
Applied Mathematics Letters |
2019,98:191–198 |
34 |
王学忠 |
Global uniqueness and solvability of tensor complementarity problems for H+-tensors |
Numerical Algorithms |
2020,84(2):567-590 |
35 |
王学忠 |
Tensor neural network models for tensor singular value decompositions |
Computational Optimization and Applications |
2020,75:753–777 |
36 |
王学忠 |
Neural network approach for solving nonsingular multi-linear tensor systems |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics |
2020,368:112569 |
37 |
王学忠 |
Neural networks based approach solving multi-linear systems with M-tensors |
Neurocomputing |
2019,351:33–42 |
38 |
王学忠 |
Modified gradient dynamic approach to the tensor complementarity problem |
2020,35(2):394-415 |
39 |
王学忠 |
Finite-time Convergent Complex-Valued Neural Networks for the Time-varying Complex Linear Matrix Equations |
Engineering Letters(国内) |
2018,26(4):432-440 |
40 |
魏瑛源 |
Queue Length Distribution for Geo/G/1 Queue with θ-Entering Discipline During Multiple Adaptive Vacations |
应用数学(国内) |
2020,33(1):186-201 |
41 |
郭育红 |
The Inverse-conjugate Compositions Without 2's |
ARS COMBINATOTIA2019,146:123-133. |
2019,146:123-133 |
42 |
刘群 |
Resistance distance and Kirchhoff index of the generalized subdivision vertex and subdivision edge corona |
IEEE Access |
2019,7:92240-92247 |
43 |
刘群 |
Spectral analysis for weighted iterated pentagonal graphs and its applications |
Modern Physics Letters B |
2020,34:1-17 |
44 |
刘群 |
On the spectrum of graphs with generalized pockets. |
2020,148:123-136 |
45 |
朱睦正 |
On single-step HSS iterative method with circulant preconditioner for fractional diffusion equations |
Advances in Difference Equations |
2019(1):1-19 |
46 |
闫作茂 |
Optimal controllability of non-instantaneous impulsive partial stochastic differential systems with fractional sectorial operators |
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques |
2019,159:1-38 |
47 |
闫作茂 |
Exponential stability for nonautonomous impulsive neutral partial stochastic evolution equations with delay |
International Journal of Control |
2019,92(9):2037-2063 |
48 |
闫作茂 |
Optimal solutions of fractional nonlinear impulsive neutral stochastic functional integro-differential equations |
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization |
2019,40(14):1593-1643 |
49 |
闫作茂 |
Stepanov-like pseudo almost periodic solutions for impulsive perturbed partial stochastic differential equations and its optimal control |
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation(国内) |
2020,10(2):530-568 |
50 |
闫作茂 |
Approximate controllability of a fractional stochastic partial integro-differential systems via noncompact operators |
Stochastic Analysis and Applications |
2019,37(4):636-667 |
51 |
闫作茂 |
A class of stochastic hyperbolic evolution equations via weighted pseudo almost periodic coefficients and optimal controls |
Optimal Control, Applications and Methods |
2019,40(5):819-847 |
52 |
张学福 |
Journal of Mathematiccal Inequations |
2019,13(4):919-927 |
53 |
张学福 |
New Brunn-Minkowski Type Inequalities for General Width-Integral of Index i |
武汉大学学报自然科学版(国内) |
2019,24(6) :474-478 |
54 |
张学福 |
Mixed (p; q)-Affine Surface Areas and Related Inequalities |
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics(国内) |
2020,50(1) :47-51 |
55 |
马统一 |
The Generalized L p -mixed Volume and the Generalized L p -mixed Projection Body |
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics(国内) |
2019,49:3, IJAM_49_3_01 |
56 |
马统一 |
Dual Orlicz Harmonic Mixed Quermassintegrals |
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics(国内) |
2019,49:2, IJAM_49_2_07 |
57 |
马统一 |
The minimal Orlicz mean width of convex bodies |
Applicable Analysis |
2020,1-31 |
58 |
冯宜彬 |
The electrostatic-capacitary Minkowski problem for general measures |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications |
2020,487 :1-18 |
59 |
马蕾 |
船舶航行速度估计的数学模型研究 |
舰船科学技术(国内) |
2019,42(14):52-54 |
60 |
郭育红 |
正整数不含分部量2有序分拆的一些恒等式 |
大连理工大学学报 |
2018,58(4) |
61 |
郭育红 |
2019,19(1) |
62 |
郭育红 |
Some Identities For Palindromic Compositions |
Journal of Integer Sequences |
2018,21(6) |
63 |
郭育红 |
Several Identities for Inverse-Conjugate Compositions |
Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications数学研究及应用(英文) |
2018,38(5) |
64 |
朱睦正 |
The Nonlinear HSS-like Iterative Method for Absolute Value Equations |
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics |
2018,48(3) |
65 |
闫作茂 |
Optimal mild solutions for a class of nonlocal multi-valued stochastic delay differential equations |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
2019,181(3) |
66 |
闫作茂 |
Existence of optimal mild solutions and controllability of fractional impulsive stochastic partial integro-differential equations with infinite delay |
Asian Journal of Control |
2019,21(2) |
67 |
闫作茂 |
Pseudo almost periodic in distribution solutions to impulsive partial stochastic functional differential equations |
Stochastics |
2019,91(4) |
68 |
闫作茂 |
Optimality of fractional impulsive partial stochastic differential systems with analytic sectorial operators and controls |
Optimization |
2019,68(4) |
69 |
闫作茂 |
Existence and global attractiveness of pseudo almost periodic solutions to impulsive partial stochastic neutral functional differential equations |
Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications |
2019,26(8) |
70 |
闫作茂 |
Pseudo almost periodic solutions to impulsive non-autonomous stochastic differential equations with unbounded delay and its optimal control |
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems |
2019,25(1) |
71 |
闫作茂 |
The optimal behavior of solutions to fractional impulsive stochastic integro-differential equations and its control problems |
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications |
2019,21(1) |
72 |
闫作茂 |
Existence of optimal mild solutions for multi-valued impulsive stochastic partial functional integrodifferential equations |
Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society |
2018,44(5) |
73 |
闫作茂 |
Pseudo almost periodic in distribution solutions and optimal solutions to impulsive partial stochastic differential equations with infinite delay |
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation |
2018,8(5) |
74 |
闫作茂 |
Pseudo almost periodicity and its applications to impulsive nonautonomous partial functional stochastic evolution equations |
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation |
2018,19(5) |
75 |
杨成福 |
The γ-fuzzy topological semigroups and γ-fuzzy topological ideals |
Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications |
2019,27(5) |
76 |
杨成福 |
The Fuzzy Topological Semigroups and Fuzzy Topological Ideals |
The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics |
2019,26(4) |
77 |
魏瑛源 |
延迟Min(N,D)-策略下M/G/1排队系统的离去过程 |
应用数学 |
2018,31(4) |
78 |
朱福国 |
Minimal wave speed of a competitive integrodifference system |
International Journal of Biomathematics |
2019,12(3) |
79 |
朱福国 |
集合列单调性及其应用 |
河西学院学报 |
2018,34(5) |
80 |
张有为 |
Symmetry reductions, exact solutions, stability analysis and conservation laws of time-fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olever equation |
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics |
2019,16(6) |
81 |
刘群 |
Resistance Distance and Kirchhoff Index of the Corona-Vertex and the Corona-Edge of Subdivision Graph |
IEEE Access |
2018,6 |
82 |
刘群 |
The resistance distance and Kirchhoff index on quadrilateral graph and pentagonal graph |
IEEE Access |
2019,7 |
83 |
王学忠 |
Iterative Algorithms for Computing the Takagi Factorization of Complex Symmetric Matrices |
IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics |
2018,48(3) |
84 |
李登辉 |
Smale horseshoe in a piecewise smooth map |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos |
2018,29(4) |
85 |
蔺海新 |
g-鞅的Doob不等式和Chow不等式 |
河西学院学报 |
2019,35(2) |
86 |
郭秀娟 |
数学文化融入《初等数学研究》的实践与思考 |
河西学院学报 |
2018,34(5) |
87 |
普丽琼 |
Annals of applied mathematics应用数学年刊 |
2017,33(4) |
88 |
周永辉 |
Stability of non-monotone critical waves in a population dynamics |
Mathematics in Natural Science |
2018,999(2) |
89 |
马统一 |
Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences |
2016年第18期 |
90 |
马统一 |
A new proof of the affine isoperimetric inequality for Orlicz mean |
Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society |
20卷3期 |
91 |
马统一 |
On the Reverse Orlicz Blaschke–Santal´Inequality |
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics |
2卷999期 |
92 |
郭育红 |
Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics |
999卷12期 |
93 |
郭育红 |
The Inverse-conjugate Compositions With Odd Parts |
Ars Combinatoria |
135卷999期 |
94 |
郭育红 |
正整数n-color 1-2-3有序分拆 |
中国科学技术大学学报 |
47卷11期 |
95 |
郭育红 |
与整数有序分拆的分部量1相关的一些恒等式 |
东北师大学报(自然科学) |
50卷1期 |
96 |
郭育红 |
Some Identities for Palindromic Compositions Without 2’s |
Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications数学研究及应用(英文) |
21卷6期 |
97 |
郭育红 |
一类不含分部量2的有序分拆 |
吉林大学学报(理工) |
56卷2期 |
98 |
闫作茂 |
Complete controllability of fractional impulsive multivalued stochastic partial integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay |
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation |
18卷3期 |
99 |
闫作茂 |
Approximate controllability of impulsive fractional stochastic partial neutral integrodifferential inclusions with infinite delay |
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information |
34卷3期 |
100 |
闫作茂 |
Existence of pseudo almost periodic mild solutions to impulsive partial stochastic differential equations in Hilbert spaces |
Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications |
24卷5期 |
101 |
闫作茂 |
Solvability and optimal controls of a fractional impulsive stochastic partial integro-differential equation with state-dependent delay |
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae |
155卷1期 |
102 |
闫作茂 |
Optimal controls for fractional stochastic functional differential equations of order α ∈(1, 2] |
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society |
41卷3期 |
103 |
张有为 |
Numerical approximate solutions for variable-order Riesz fractional equations via adaptive method |
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Application |
2017卷1期 |
104 |
张有为 |
Solving k-fractional shallow water wave equations via homotopy analysis transform method |
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations |
7卷3期 |
105 |
张有为 |
Travelling wave solutions of (2+1)-dimensional generalised time-fractional Hirota equation |
Pramana-Journal of Physics |
90卷34期 |
106 |
王学忠 |
Nonlinearly Activated Recurrent Neural Network for Computing the Drazin Inverse |
neural processing letters |
999卷46期 |
107 |
王学忠 |
Best Rank-One Approximation of Fourth-Order Partially Symmetric Tensors by Neural Network |
Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications |
11卷4期 |
108 |
韩丽 |
多元复合函数求导法则的教学思考 |
理论数学 |
7卷4期 |
109 |
唐玉玲 |
B-值广义泛函意义下的量子随机Cable 方程 |
贵州大学学报(自然版) |
34卷5期 |
110 |
唐玉玲 |
B-值广义泛函意义下量子随机Cable 方程解的适应性 |
兰州工业学院学报 |
24卷101期 |
111 |
郭秀娟 |
浅谈核心素养下高中数学教学设计研究 |
中国校外教育 |
999卷12期 |
112 |
郭秀娟 |
大学数学教学中数学文化缺失的原因分析 |
数学学习与研究 |
999卷5期 |
113 |
冯宜彬 |
Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities for width-integrals of index i |
Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications |
24卷8期 |